A protest against indecent exposure to vehicle emissions
Dress code:
Clothing optional — Bare As You Dare !
Unlike the last few pre-pandemic years, with ten thousand or more riders, the first of three planned 2021 World Naked Bike Rides in Portland was smaller but as joyful as ever. In 2021, riders are encouraged to celebrate WNBR Day on each evening with a full moon in June, July, and August. The first ride was dubbed The Strawberry Moon Ride (pictures below). This naked bike ride began at Mocks Crest, a small park in the northeast, overlooking the Willamette River.
Cyclists headed southeast from Mocks Crest to Laurelhurst Park. The stop at Laurelhurst provided time for rest and refreshment as well as music and dancing. While some riders headed back to the starting point from Laurlehurst, others mounted up and carried on. All in all it was a good turn-out for a Wednesday night. Estimates vary but it appears two to three thousand riders participated. The second Full Moon World Naked Bike Ride was on July 23rd, a Friday, so the crowd was much larger. Join us again for the next full moon ride. The Sturgeon Moon Naked Bike Ride will be on August 22nd. We will gather at Irving Park before the ride.
June 23rd Strawberry Moon Ride Photos
Ride to protest dependency on fossil fuels and to demonstrate to raise awareness of cyclist vulnerability, as well as other social and political issues. Remember, the WNBR is a political activity. As such, nudity is permitted in Oregon as an expression of free speech.
2021 WNBR Dates
June 23
July 23
August 22
August 21
See the PDX 2021 WNBR post for 2021 Naked Bike Ride event details and updates.
Pictures from the Buck Naked Full Moon Ride on July 23, 2021
Several thousand cyclists gathered at Colonel Summers Park. at SE 20th & SE Belmont, for the Buck Naked Full Moon Ride. The mood at the park was festive, with body painting, music, and dancing. The ride began around dusk and was greeted by enthusiastic crowds along the way, who cheered on the cyclists. Some onlookers joined the protest by stripping off their clothing while watching from the curb and shouting out cries of support. Riders protested fossil fuel dependency, promoted body positivity & cyclist safety, and demonstrated for a range of social and political issues in a loving, all inclusive atmosphere.
The ride ended at a parking lot near the waterfront between the Hawthorne Bridge and Tilikum Crossing, where the cyclists relaxed, rejoiced, and danced. Many went on to dance under the full moon at after parties along the Spring Water Trail, which went on until the early morning hours.
Photos of the Sturgeon Moon Naked Bike Ride on August 21, 2021
The third of three full moon naked bike rides also launched from Colonel Summers Park in Southeast Portland. The number of cyclists was smaller, although several hundred showed up. It may have been the cooler weather, or perhaps the confusion over the date of the ride, that kept the numbers down. A short time before the ride, the date was switched from Sunday to Saturday.
Below are some photos of the gathering at the park prior to the ride starting. The crowd continued to grow right up to the point we began pedaling away from the park. Unfortunately we have no photos to share from the ride because the author’s bike experienced mechanical problems after only about 10 minutes into the ride. Still, it was another good protest against oil dependency and the message of body positivity and respect for all people and the environment. This was another unusual year without a proper World Naked Bike Ride protest due to the pandemic. Thanks go out to Pedalpalooza for hosting these three summer rides!
Photos of Portland World Naked Bike Rides
See the FAQ page at pdxwnbr.org
PLEASE DONATE to pdxwnbr.org to support the WNBR in Portland!
Portland has had the world’s largest WNBR for several years running.
Over 10,000 participants!
Thanks for helping to
Keep Portland Weird!
The WNBR is an annual demonstration against dependency on fossil fuels, so please don’t drive to wherever you intend to ride in protest. The World Naked Bike Ride is not only a protest against oil consumption. It is also about celebrating the power and individuality of the human body, and raising consciousness of a variety and social and political issues. See our WNBR FAQ page for more about the ride, its history, and legality.
Support the Rebellion on the ride!
We are months deep into an historic uprising against police brutality and murder. Keep-Portland-Weird.com encourages riders to show their support for the crucial Black Lives Matter movement. With over 1,000 demonstrations worldwide and many cities, including Portland, having protests, this is a special moment in the history of the struggle against police violence.
World Naked Bike Ride protesters have rallied around so many important causes over the years. LGBTQ+ rights, women’s rights issues, environmental concerns, political corruption, cyclist safety, body positive, and so many others. But this year is different. Most of us have not have not had a chance to participate in the type of mass political action that is now happening. The police are out of control, so make the Naked Bike Ride your opportunity to show support. Black Lives Matter!
#wnbrpdx. #fullmoonnakebikeride, #pdxwnbr, #pedalpalooza, #portlandwnbr, #keepportlandweird!, #portlandwnbr2021, #portlandworldnakedbikeride, #WNBR, #nakedbikeride, #keep-portland-weird.com, #savetheplanet