August 12, 2023


A political demonstration against fossil fuel dependency

Dress code:
Clothing optional (preferably none!)
Bare as you dare!



The world’s largest naked bike ride!


2022 WNBR Portland
©2022 Keep-Portland-Weird.com

The 2023 Portland WNBR PDX was held Saturday, August 12th.  The ride started from Irving Park, located at 707 NE Fremont Street.  Many riders gathered ahead of the 7:30PM start time for music, body painting and preparation for the protest ride.  The bike ride started after sunset.  WNBR news and photos from the ride will be posted here after the event.  To share your pictures of the bike ride on this page, contact keep-portland-weird.com.  We always love to have photo contributions from the community, especially this year since mechanical difficulties prevented our photographer from riding.  Spare tubes, parts, and tools are always recommended.

Along with other important social and political issues, the WNBR is a demonstration for bicyclist safety, encouraging motorist to be aware of cyclists. This is a protest ride, so body paint and signs are encouraged to highlight your concern for the climate crisis, oil dependency, LGBTQA+ rights, abortion access or any other political problems.  In Oregon, being clothing-free when protesting is considered an exercise of free speech, so it is not illegal.  The Portland WNBR raises awareness of body dysmorphia, and challenges how society views body shape and size, as well as questioning conventional notions of beauty.


The World Naked Bike Ride is an international event that takes place in over 70 cities around the world.  By liberating ourselves from clothing, we demonstrate the vulnerability of cyclists.  We also increase self-esteem by promoting body positivity.  We celebrate the idea that all humans are beautiful and none are perfect.

  • Bikes should have a headlight.
  • Bring non-alcoholic beverages.
  • Decorate your bike!
  • Watch out for other riders.
  • The ride will be huge and starts slowly.  Be patient.
  • Join the after parties!
  • Be safe & have a great time!


Please make a donation to help with event costs.



Keep an eye on shift2bikes.org for updates on a full moon naked ride on August 30th.

Photos of more World Naked Bike Rides in Portland

2022 World Naked Bike Ride in Portland

See the FAQ page at pdxwnbr.org

PLEASE DONATE to pdxwnbr.org to support the WNBR in Portland!


Portland has had the world’s largest WNBR for several years running.
Over 10,000 riders participated in some rides.

Thanks for helping to keep Portland on the leading edge for social change!



#2023wnbrpdx. #2023WorldNakedBikeride, #pdxwnbr, #pedalpalooza, #portlandwnbr, #keepportlandweird!, #portlandwnbr2022, #portlandworldnakedbikeride, #WNBR, #nakedbikeride, #keep-portland-weird.com, #savetheplanet