2022 PDX WNBR Stickers Now Available!
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I’ll be there! Ready to protest SCOTUS’s outrageous decision to overturn Roe, after 49 years. The so-called “constitutionalists” on the Supreme Court wrote, “The Constitution makes no reference to abortion, and no such right is implicitly protected by any constitutional provision.” Seriously? The constitution was written before the invention of the steam engine, automobiles, and mobile phones. By this logic, the fourth amendment doesn’t protect us from search of our cars or phones! Christian fundamentalist have hijacked the court, denied Obama from filling a seat, and are trying to turn back the clock to the day when only white, male property owners have rights. This must end!
P.S. Thanks for the WNBR stickers.
Right on sister! The implications of the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision are frightening. The same rational will be inevitably be applied to attack LGBTQIA rights. Justice Thomas cited Griswold vs. Connecticut, Lawerence v. Texas, and Obergefell v. Hodges in his writing. The Christo-facists will undoubtedly be going after same-sex marriage and contraception access, and re-instating “anti-sodomy” laws immediately. If they have their way, nobody in the US will have rights other than Christian religious extremists. This is a dark time for democracy and inclusion.
I strongly encourage participants in the 2022 WNBR to protest this horrible SCOTUS ruling.
keep-portland-weird.com Admin